Monday, January 14, 2008

"After the Sirens" Reader Response

Welcome to our first reader response blog for ENG 2P1! The goal of these blogs is for you to consider an issue connecting to a short story we are currently reading in class. Think about your response to the blog topic, post your response, making connections to the text, yourself and to the world on a global aspect. Rememeber, making text to text connections can mean a variety of texts- i.e., movies, other novels you've read, magazine articles, poems, songs etc. Once you've posted your reader response, please respond to 2 other blogs in the class.

Blog # 1: After the Sirens

As far as the family knows, after they emerge from their basement, hours after the nuclear blast they assume they are the only family to have survived. Imagine they are offered a 'way out' in the form of a pink pill. Place yourself in their shoes- do you decide to take the pill, ending humanity or does your family persevere and struggle for survival as the last family on earth?